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a. Resembling a dagger or some aspect of one.

Usage examples of "daggerlike".

Gryphon jumped away, landing in a combat position with his daggerlike claws extended.

Still in a small group, hesitantly, a step at a time, they moved forward down the length of the cavern, picking their way through the gallery of tall stalagmitic statues and stumbling over the daggerlike points of limestone that had broken off the ceiling and littered the floor like ancient arrowheads.

He peered out at the blackness over the corn, half hoping for, half dreading, the sight of a daggerlike funnel cloud.

The creature had small hands with four daggerlike claws splayed from around the edges like flower petals.

Koffield called out, holding out a rock with a wickedly sharp daggerlike point at one end.

The dragon grinned evilly, displaying row after row of daggerlike teeth.

Tearing herself free of one last, daggerlike tree branch with a wrench that left a bloody gouge along her ribs, she gulped cold night air hungrily, blinked, and found herself staring into the eyes of Hawkril Anharu.

While purple spots swam before her eyes, Maia stared at the daggerlike piece of natural shrapnel.

The thing that looked like a giant moray eel twisted around and dove for his head, its gaping mouth flashing rows and rows of daggerlike teeth.