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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Czechoslovakian \Czechoslovakian\ prop. adj. Of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia.

Syn: Czechoslovak, Czech.

2. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the inhabitants of Czechoslovakia or the Czech Republic; as, the Czech population.

Syn: Czechoslovak, Czech.


Czechoslovakian \Czechoslovakian\ prop. n. a native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia.

Syn: Chechoslovak, Czech.


a. Of or pertaining to the former nation of Czechoslovakia. n. (context dated English) A person from Czechoslovakia.

Usage examples of "czechoslovakian".

Somehow certain circles In Hungary knew of a letter sent by Stojadinovic, Yugoslav Prime Minister, to Count Ciano, in which he stated that in connection with the Czechoslovakian affair he would not interfered aggressively against Hungary.

Ciano increasingly urged Hungary and Poland to augment their pressure in the question of the Czechoslovakian minorities.

Poland ordered army mobilization along the Czechoslovakian border, and there were boisterous mass demonstrations in Warsaw and in other Polish cities.

English we were informed that London desired a peaceful solution of the Czechoslovakian territorial questions.

Eden, whose Czech sympathies were known, the British Government, early in 1940, officially recognized the Czechoslovakian committee and Chamberlain made a statement recommending that Czechoslovakia be reconstructed.

March 1944, Archduke Otto met again with President Roosevelt, and in the course of it, the President declared that if the Hungarian Government would declare herself ready to support the Allies at any given opportunity, he, the President, would be favorably inclined to make a statement about maintainance of the Transylvanian frontiers of 1940 and towards the settlement of the Czechoslovakian territorial questions by a popular vote.

In addition, many people in Britain and France were certain that Hitler would be satisfied with the Czechoslovakian Sudetenland and would change his ways after that.

The three-tier Czechoslovakian crystal chandelier was the only reminder of its once resplendent grandeur.

Two add-on paragraphs quoted from a CIA report from Washington: Such capsules were first developed in 1951 by Czechoslovakian chemists and supplied to Communist agents in the Near East areas for several years.

Colonel, is a Czechoslovakian improvement on a piece developed for partisan work.

Then, two months after the Czechoslovakian fiasco, we were sent into China to save a billion-odd people for democracy.

World Science Fiction Convention was held in Winnipeg, after all, and far more Canadian and Australian authors find publishers here than do Italian, Czechoslovakian, or Taiwan-ese writers.

The Freedom statue erected by the Leftists was a lead image of the late Che Guevara, with a glued-on Brillo beard, aiming a Czechoslovakian machine pistol at the opposing Freedom statue erected by the Rightists: a lead simulacrum of the late J.

The more bored Father became with life on the farm, the more fervently Mother threw herself into every aspect of it: the vegetable garden, the flower garden, the apple orchard, the peach and cherry orchard, the maple trees and the squirrels in them, the welfare of the livestock, the pigs and chickens, the maintenance of the heavy machinery, barns, tools, the harvesting of corn and alfalfa, the making of butter and ice cream, the curing of beef and bacon, and even the lives of Andrew Tomashek, the Czechoslovakian farmer, and his eleven children.

Darsoss walked along, his hand on the grip of a Czechoslovakian P-38 automatic deep in his overcoat pocket.