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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cyclostome \Cy"clo*stome\ (s?"kl?-st?m), Cyclostomous \Cy*clos"to*mous\ (s?-kl?s"t?-m?s), a. (Zo["o]l.) Pertaining to the Cyclostomi. [1913 Webster] ||


n. Any of various primitive jawless fish of the class Cyclostomata, such as the lamprey or hagfish.


n. primitive aquatic vertebrate


Cyclostome is a biological term (from the Greek for "round mouth") used in a few different senses:

  • for the taxon Cyclostomata, which comprises the extant jawless fishes: the hagfish (Myxini) and the lampreys (Petromyzontidae). This was thought for a time to be a paraphyletic group and this usage of the term was deprecated by some. However, there is strong molecular evidence for cyclostome monophyly, and thus the term remains in use.
  • for the Order Cyclostomatida of bryozoans, tiny animals that live in colonies and form large calcitic skeletons
  • for one of two subgroups of braconid wasps