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n. (plural of cyclops English)


See cyclops


Cyclopes may refer to:

  • Cyclops, a one-eyed monster from Greek mythology (plural: Cyclopes)
  • Silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), the only known member of the genus Cyclopes

Usage examples of "cyclopes".

She tossed Conan his blade, and the brawny Cimmerian began whipping it back and forth at the Cyclopes holding Tull.

He had a pair of his Cyclopes holding her tightly as he stood sharpening a somewhat rusted knife with a stone.

True, the prophesy seemed centered on that man, but even now, half a dozen of his cyclopes marched at top speed to retrieve his quarry.

Those obscene, apelike creatures were friendly with the cyclopes and unlikely to want anything Chuntha could supply.

These cyclopes were apparently brighter than they appeared, to so quickly recognize talent in others and to then voice it in such a straightforward manner.

He would have spoken it aloud, but he realized that his escort of cyclopes would likely see little humor in it.

At the very least, Deek considered the cyclopes thinking beings, even if enemies, something Rey could not bring himself to believe.

The bats, expansive with blood-bloated bellies, had told him all about the wizard and the witch and their enthralled agents, the cyclopes and the giant worms.

There were a hundred other cyclopes who could replace Wikkell, though the fool had once shown promise.

Doubtless they could cause some damage to his minions with those, Rey thought, and the cyclopes, in their enthusiasm to capture the trio, might also injure one or more of them.

The going was slow at first, until the wizard and his cyclopes departed from the defluxed region, back into the farther reaches of the Sunless Sea.

After a moment the cyclopes moved apart, revealing just behind them the form of Katamay Rey.

He waved at the cyclopes flanking him, and they moved toward the three.

Yes, the cyclopes would join the worms in overthrowing the witch and the wizard.

The murmur of the cyclopes as they began to vie for position trailed the two down the corridor.