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n. (plural of cyberpunk English)

Usage examples of "cyberpunks".

Even generational contemporaries, who sympathized with much CHEAP TRUTH rhetoric, came to distrust the cult itself -- simply because the Cyberpunks had become "genre gurus" themselves.

Other cyberpunks, such as the six other worthy contributors to MIRRORSHADES THE CYBERPUNK ANTHOLOGY, may be able to come to their own terms with the beast, more or less.

It might, for instance, be argued that Jules Verne was a nice guy who loved his Mom, while the brutish antihuman cyberpunks advocate drugs, anarchy, brain-plugs and the destruction of everything sacred.

And yet Jules Verne is considered a Victorian optimist (those who have read him must doubt this) while the cyberpunks are often declared nihilists (by those who pick and choose in the canon).

And cyberpunks are science fiction writers -- not a "subgenre" or a "cult," but the thing itself.

A rock group, the Sonic Youth, dubbed themselves cyberpunks and featured a song called "The Sprawl" on their album, Daydream Nation (1988), while Kathy Acker, the postpunk godmother of the London fiction scene, wrote that parts of her novel, Empire of the Senseless (1988), are directly "ripped off" from Neuromancer.

He sent it to Unearth, a short-lived SF magazine that was first to publish Rudy Rucker and other cyberpunks, which accepted it.

The cyberpunks had a strong following among the global generation that had grown up in a world of computers, multinational networks, and cable television.

The Futurians were every bit as offbeat and wacky as any of their spiritual descendants, including the cyberpunks, and were given to communal living, spontaneous group renditions of light opera, and midnight fencing exhibitions on the lawn.

I don't even know if cyberpunks could pull it off, not for this many units.

The Futurians were every bit as offbeat and wacky as any of their spiritual descendants, including the cyberpunks, and were given to communal living, spontaneous group renditions of light opera, and midnight fencing exhibitions on the lawn.