CyberCode is a visual tagging system based on a 2D barcode technology. Designed to be read by low-cost CMOS or CCD cameras common in mobile devices, it can also be used to determine the 3D position of the tagged object as well as its ID number.
A CyberCode tag is a 2D barcode symbology designed to be read from many angles. A computer with attached camera can locate the tag and decode the data within the 2D barcode. Visual fiduciary markers surrounding the barcode allow the computer to quickly locate the tag within the field of view of the camera. Additionally, the design of the CyberCode tag allows the computer to track position and orientation in three dimensions.
These features allow the tags to be used for augmented reality applications. CyberCode tags affixed to real-world objects would allow the user to view the world through the camera and have the computer overlay additional information over the display. The information encoded in the barcode identifies the object, and because of the tag's design, the computer can detect the orientation of the object relative to the viewer.
The main limitation of CyberCode is its extremely limited capacity. Holding only 24 data bits plus 7 error correction bits (or 48+14 in a double-sized variant), the number of objects it can identify is limited.