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n. (plural of cyberbook English)

Usage examples of "cyberbooks".

His social life consisted of an occasional lunch with Lori, or a dinner with Scarlet Dean, who insisted on being kept up-to-date on the Cyberbooks project.

Then I could present the Cyberbooks concept as my own to the board of directors.

The Cyberbooks project had reached the point where they could brief the sales force.

Y'see, what you're doing with this Cyberbooks idea, basically, is asking the sales force to learn a whole new way of doing their job.

If I understand the way Cyberbooks is going to work, we're going to be selling directly to the customer.

The techniques might change, the system may be altered, but your jobs will be just as important to this company with Cyberbooks as before.

How do you think the wholesalers are gonna behave when they see us going around them with the Cyberbooks, huh?

Take their money and then go to Japan and start a Cyberbooks company there.

You help me bring Cyberbooks to life and I'll help you get your novel published.

She waited for Woody's whoops to die down, then said, "Don't you go telling anybody what we were saying about the Cyberbooks idea.

We gotta make her see that if she tries to market Cyberbooks it'll ruin the company.

The other editors and most of the sales force were up in arms over the Cyberbooks project.

Carl felt his easy confidence in the unassailable righteousness of the Cyberbooks project begin to melt away under the baleful glower of the judge's implacable eyes.

The lawyer prompted, "So this electronic book gadget, this thing they call Cyberbooks, will result in the whole sales force being laid off?

Mom and Dad have pinned everything they've got on this Cyberbooks idea, and the sales force is going to stop it cold.