vb. (en-third-person singularcut down)
Usage examples of "cuts down".
With the aid of a small knife he made four careful cuts down the skin, then peeled off each quarter in turn.
Red plumed away from his cuts down the stream, but the cold water soon stopped his bleeding.
On the other hand, having to carry air defense missiles cuts down on their mobility and complicates their logistics, and they don't have air capability.
He's able to use that to defend himself when Kun sends some Sith - made beasts to kill him, fighting through Jacen as the two - year-old singlehandedly cuts down the monsters with Luke's lightsaber.
Also, thanks for getting charter clearance at Nellis Air Force Base, which cuts down costs as well.
Then the hand cuts down, as if to cut off one-third of the long figure (fig.
She looks up as if she has heard him and in that instant as a sudden lance of sun cuts down through trees to pierce across her shoulders, flashing on her necklaces, she sees him.
As a flash flood cuts down a ravine, clearing all debris along with the live trees that it tears up from the banks, so I raced.
It cuts down on corporate bullshit while encouraging the toughest ones to survive, which is why I was going to set up the trial as a contest to achieve maximum competitive advantage in a xenocommerce scenario.
The aerospace industry absolutely hates peacetime, because it cuts down the money-tree.