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Usage examples of "cutlip".

We sat at the table and waited until a swinging door swung open and a tall, snaggletoothed man with long blond hair and bad skin wheeled what was left of Lawrence Cutlip into the courtyard.

Beth and I glanced at each other and rose from our chairs, about to leave Cutlip with his grief, when he raised a hand in the middle of his sobs to stop us from leaving.

Old Bobo, standing still behind Cutlip, snickered, his twisted teeth catching bits of yellow light.

Lawrence Cutlip, younger and harder, not a man to be messed with for certain, but there, holding on to that girl when she needed him most.

Larry Cutlip, and this Pritchett, the rich one we been hearing so much about?

You got Edmonds and Robinson deep in poker debt to Cutlip, a man who likes to get paid.

From the outside, in fact, in its attitude at least, it suspiciously resembled the Desert Winds retirement home where we had met with Lawrence Cutlip in Henderson, Nevada.

Why did I stay in that house and let the likes of Larry Cutlip ply his charm on me?

But this other, this Lawrence Cutlip, he was part of it, too, I sensed.

Larry Cutlip was a gambler, hard-core, who was in it, I could instantly tell, not for the conviviality or the conversation but for the money.

Before the father of the twins died, Cutlip had been a worthless drunk, surviving out of garbage cans and by petty thefts.

So I spent part of my time examining the inner demons of Lawrence Cutlip and being frightened by what I found.

And so it was that I summoned Lawrence Cutlip to meet me in the chapel on a sunny Thursday afternoon.

I turned around to glance at it lying there, at an oblique angle on the stairs, and when I turned back to Lawrence Cutlip, he was walking out the door.

What exactly do you suspect was going on between Cutlip and his nieces?