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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cutaneous \cu*ta"ne*ous\ (k[-u]*t[=a]"n[-e]*[u^]s), a. [Cf. F. cutan['e], fr. L. cutis skin. See Cuticle.] Of or pertaining to the skin; existing on, or affecting, the skin; as, a cutaneous disease; cutaneous absorption; cutaneous respiration; cutaneous nerves; a cutaneous infection.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1570s, from Medieval Latin cutaneus, from Latin cutis "the skin" (see cuticle).


a. (context anatomy zoology English) Of, relating to, existing on, or affecting the exterior skin; especially the cutis


adj. relating to or existing on or affecting the skin; "cutaneous nerves"; "a cutaneous infection" [syn: cutaneal]


Usage examples of "cutaneous".

But with the incidence of acromegaly, the extremities continue to become enlarged, the hands and feet, the bones and cutaneous tissues of the face.

Ashurst remarks that while the cutaneous surface of the stump was acutely sensitive to the touch, there was no manifestation of pain evinced upon handling the exposed nerve.

Sweet Elder-flowers are a valuable alterative, diuretic, mucous and glandular stimulant, excellent in eruptive, cutaneous, and scrofulous diseases of children.

In the southern provinces about Cuenca, cutaneous affections are quite frequent.

For children, the CDC says Cipro and doxycycline can be used for the first two to three weeks of treatment to prevent inhalational anthrax, and for the first one to seven days of treatment for cutaneous anthrax.

We have occasionally observed cutaneous eruptions and erysipelas, when evidently they were distinct signs of internal disorder.

We encounter for example the rectus femoris, the saphenous nerve, the iliotibial tract, the femoral artery, the vastus medialis, the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius, the gracilis, the adductor magnus, the adductor longus, the intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve and other simple premechanical devices of this nature.

With a little oatmeal for food, and a little sulphur for friction, allaying cutaneous irritation with the one hand, and holding his Calvinistical creed in the other, Sawney ran away to his flinty hills, sung his psalm out of tune his own way, and listened to his sermon of two hours long, amid the rough and imposing melancholy of the tallest thistles.

Monday As I prepared to host the bioterrorism roundtable in Nashville, a Florida man already had died of inhalational anthrax, and an assistant to NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw had been diagnosed with skin, or cutaneous, anthrax.

We had to reexamine our assumptions about anthrax--about the likelihood of contracting inhalational anthrax compared to cutaneous anthrax, about the relative risk to those who had little or no contact with the actual anthrax-laced letter, and about the best ways to diagnose and treat those with the disease.

Cutaneous anthrax begins as an itchy bump that resembles an insect bite.

People who have cutaneous anthrax or gastrointestinal anthrax usually can be treated without problems.

In one type, cutaneous porphyria, the symptoms can resemble the characteristics of a werewolf.

Hahnemann found that the Pansy violet, when taken by provers, served to induce cutaneous eruptions, or to aggravate them, and he reasoned out the curative action of the plant in small diluted doses for the cure of these symptoms, when occurring as disease.

In the sudden retrocession of cutaneous diseases, it restores the eruptions to the surface and gives speedy relief.