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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cut-throat razor
▪ Here she stopped to watch old Twomey the butler shaving himself with a cut-throat razor.
cut-throat razor

n. (context British English) A straight razor.

Usage examples of "cut-throat razor".

The secret was in the old cut-throat razor that she'd carefully blunted.

The secret was in the old cut-throat razor that shed carefully blunted.

His chin shone with a burnish given it by the cut-throat razor, his shirt was so crisply ironed and starched that it and crackled at each movement.

The door opened so violently that it splintered against the wall and Fallon stood there, one side of his face still lathered, the cut-throat razor open in his right hand.

Now I can concentrate on the job without distraction, and she took up the cut-throat razor that lay ready on the table-top and stropped it on the leather with quick practised strokes.

They give me a shave and a haircut, which Kulang, laughing at my long beard and hair, does himself with an ancient cut-throat razor, though I must say it's sharp enough and he's skilled enough and doesn't nick me too bad.

Stratton was tall and lean with a neatly clipped moustache and the look of a typical ex-RAF type except for the eyes which had the same sort of shine that you get when light gleams on the edge of a cut-throat razor and which contrasted oddly with the slightly effeminate edge to his public school voice.

He checked the box pressed against her sodden breast, then produced an old-fashioned cut-throat razor from his coat and passed it to her with his free hand.

In my book he's a man with a mind like a cut-throat razor who'd sell his grandmother for cigarette money in the right situation.

This he would shave off badly with the cut-throat razor he had bought on his arrival in Paris.

The former are typified by the stiletto and the cut-throat razor respectively, while the later are typified by the rapier and the axe.

Shaving for him was always a long drawn out and meticulous exercise, because for dozens of years now, Valery Borisovich had always used a cut-throat razor.

Ashton was reminded of seeing, in his own days as a midshipman in a small 'conventional' post-war destroyer, a three-badge Able Seaman standing without any support except a natural sailor-like balance while he shaved with a cut-throat razor in a force 8 blow.