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cut up
  1. 1 Having been cut into smaller pieces. 2 Wounded with multiple lacerations. 3 (context idiomatic UK Australia English) Emotionally upset; mentally distressed. 4 (context informal English) Muscular and lean. v

  2. 1 (context transitive English) To cut into smaller pieces, parts, or sections. 2 (context transitive informal English) To lacerate; to wound by multiple lacerations; to injure or damage by cutting, or as if by cutting. 3 (context transitive idiomatic English) To distress mentally or emotionally. 4 (context transitive idiomatic dated English) To severely criticize or censure; to subject to hostile criticism. 5 (context intransitive idiomatic English) To behave like a clown or jokester (a cut-up); to misbehave; to act in a playful, comical, boisterous, or unruly manner to elicit laughter, attention, et

  3. 6 (context transitive idiomatic British English) To move aggressively in front of another vehicle while driving. ''US:'' cut off. 7 (context intransitive English) (rfdef: English)

cut up

adj. cut into pieces

cut up
  1. v. cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham" [syn: carve]

  2. destroy or injure severely; "The madman mutilates art work" [syn: mutilate, mangle]

  3. separate into isolated compartments or categories; "You cannot compartmentalize your life like this!" [syn: compartmentalize, compartmentalise]

  4. significantly cut up a manuscript [syn: hack]

Usage examples of "cut up".

On the south side, oldfashioned residences with high stone steps, which had been converted into rooming houses or cut up into kitchenettes, were squeezed between apartment houses built for the overflowing white population in the 1920s, all taken over now by Ham's and Hagar's children.

When I was about seven or eight years old, somebody gave me a map of the United States that was cut up into a jigsaw puzzle.

The carcass they would leave for a sacrifice, the head they would mount in the Councilhouse, but the hide they would cut up into tiny squares for distribution among the folk as prized relics.

You were a good deal cut up yourself, Tom, two weeks ago, when those young ladies left your hothouse door open, with a frosty east wind blowing right in.

At length it rewards your care by producing two or three pears, which you cut up and divide in the family, declaring the flavor of the bit you eat to be something extraordinary.

Could I immediately apply to either, however, I should still prefer you, because it strikes me, that they have all along been so unwilling to have their own amusements cut up, as to shut their eyes to the truth.

So intense became the craving for animal food, that one day when Lieutenant Boisseux--the Commandant--strolled into the camp with his beloved white bull-terrier, which was as fat as a Cheshire pig, the latter was decoyed into a tent, a blanket thrown over him, his throat cut within a rod of where his master was standing, and he was then skinned, cut up, cooked, and furnished a savory meal to many hungry men.

The driver was accompanied by a half-naked lad, who, at certain points, suddenly disappeared, and came into view again after a few minutes, having made a short cut up some rugged footway between the loops of the road.

It was made of small juicy clams, scarcely bigger than hazel nuts, mixed with pounded ship biscuit, and salted pork cut up into little flakes.

Indeed, I have seen her on a still Sunday morning, when I have been sitting there waiting for the English ceremony of praying for Queen Victoria and Albert Edward to begin in the Odeon, sit for an hour, and cut up bread for her little brown flock.

Whoever, therefore, among you studies to be or to gain a friend, let him cut up all these principles by the root.

He found part of it cut up into flower-beds, and the little summer-house with the coloured glass and the great elm-tree gone.

In the end, the League had discovered the horrific secret of the Tlulaxa organ farms: missing soldiers and Zensunni slaves were cut up to provide replacement parts for other wounded fighters.

These were accordingly despatched, and having been skinned and cut up, their flesh was severed into long strips to be dried in the burning sun as biltong, which secretly Benita hoped she might never be called upon to eat.

Here they fought a terrible battle, and the Injins beat, and cut up the whites badly.