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cut of meat

n. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass [syn: cut]

Usage examples of "cut of meat".

Two or three inns in a town meant a better room, with two beds, and more generous portions of a better cut of meat, and sometimes even a few coppers in their pockets when they left besides.

Here, because they were afraid of him, he had the table of his choice, the best cut of meat, and privacy.

He handed Tal a still-warm cut of meat wrapped in trail bread and Tal discovered that he was ravenous.

If anything goes wrong before I get that very expensive cut of meat, we don't bother to fight our way out.

The front window was a meat locker behind glass, an enormous display of every cut of meat imaginable.

As he started to pick up the cut of meat and swallow it, he caught the eyes of another diner, and rumbled unhappily.

It was the addition of status that brought the little things: a more comfortable seat here, a better cut of meat there, a shorter wait in line at the other place.