Usage examples of "customs duty".
Only four things were subject to any import license or customs duty in the Colony-gold, liquor, tobacco and gasoline-and only one contraband-apart from narcotics-and totally forbidden: all forms of firearms and ammunition.
You remember when we liberated their Goddamned bloody country and they wanted to charge customs duty on the powder and shot we used to do it?
Until recently, considered an obsolete and ineffective warship good for little but customs duty and light patrol work.
Jellico's wife had no legs, and though she walked well enough on the elegant artificials he had obtained for her (a little bribery at the port, a little looking the other way when he was or, customs duty), she said it pained her to use the legs.
He thought the worst that could happen is a wrist-slap and fine, for importing art objects without paying customs duty on them.