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n. 1 A person considered to have been born on a cusp between significant generations 2 (context astrology English) A person born on a day at a junction of star signs


Cuspers is a name given to those born during the cusp years of two generations.

Following their "BridgeWorks Generations Survey", Lancaster and Stillman identified the following cuspers: Traditionalist/ Baby Boomer, born 1940-1945; Baby Boomer/ Generation Xer, born 1960-1965; and Generation Xer/ Millennial, born 1975-1980

Other sources define the Generation X/Millennial cusp using later birth years. The Oregon Trail Generation, a name given to those born during the Generation X/Millennial cusp years, uses the late 1970s to the early 1980s.

Mark Wegierski of the Hudson Institute defines the Baby Boomer/Generation X cusp as between 1958-1967.

The Millennial/ Generation Z cusp has been described as 1995-2000.

Usage examples of "cusper".

Several times she met other Cuspers out on nocturnal errands (she suspected these were similar to her own), passing them without interference or interfering.