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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Curve \Curve\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Curved (k[^u]rvd); p. pr. & vb. n. Curving.] [L. curvare., fr. curvus. See Curve,

  1. , Curb.] To bend; to crook; as, to curve a line; to curve a pipe; to cause to swerve from a straight course; as, to curve a ball in pitching it.

  1. That curves or curve. n. The action of the verb '''to curve'''. v

  2. (present participle of curve English)


adj. not straight; having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend; "the curved tusks of a walrus"; "his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard" [syn: curved] [ant: straight]

Usage examples of "curving".

Trajectories from the five newcomers were computed, appearing as scarlet vector lines curving through space to line up ominously on the Beezling and her two escort frigates.

The conduits which had led him loyally this far all snaked in through an open archway, then split at the apex three metres over his head, running down the curving walls like silver ribs.

The manoeuvring-pack jets began to fire in a long, elaborate pattern, reducing his velocity and altitude again, sending him curving down behind the Madeeir.

When they were five hundred metres apart, a second, longer, burn from the thrusters sent the spaceplane curving down towards the waiting planet.

A terminus opened at some indeterminable distance, a different texture of negation, seemingly curving round them.

It hovered twenty metres above Quinn, half hidden by the jungle’s curving branches, its wings blurring in an intricate pattern as it maintained position.

It was an unusual room, an ovoid, five metres high, its curving walls a smooth polished wood.

Trees grew out of their sides at slapdash angles, curving upwards, supported by vast buttress roots.

Spotlights around the curving walls shone stark white beams on the starship’s leaden hull, compensating for the pallid slivers of sunlight falling on the station while it was in Idria’s penumbra.

All of them were gazing keenly out of the single curving transparency around the front of the cabin.

The three big wall-screens opposite the curving window were displaying pictures of a riverside settlement village.

The sheet was tangled up round her waist, affording him a splendid view of breasts, lean belly muscles, and sharply curving hips.

Gravity was falling off as they soared ever higher above the ocean, curving up to rendezvous with the big colonist-carrier.

The curving lid of the pod began to slide into place, and he bent his knees frantically, lifting his legs out of the way.

The long, gently curving cove below looked tremendously enticing, with a border of shaggy palm trees and a tiny island offshore.