The Collaborative International Dictionary
Curvilineal \Cur`vi*lin"e*al\ (-al), Curvilinear \Cur`vi*lin"e*ar\ (-?r), a. [L. curvus bent + E. lineal, linear.] Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear figure.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. 1 (qualifier: Of a line) Having bends; curved; curvilineal. 2 (context geometry arts English) Formed by curved lines.
adj. characterized by or following a curved line; "curvilinear tracery"; "curvilinear motion" [syn: curvilineal]
Usage examples of "curvilinear".
Although Gaby found them interesting, Oncle Bernard turned up his nose at the art nouveau exhibits, declaring the curvilinear style with its preoccupation with squiggly representations of plant life too fussy for his taste.
Carried on the flood pouring through a vortex a ship is swept past many light-years to emerge into the calm cotemporal equilibrium of curvilinear space.
And it is equally impossible for me to form the abstract idea of motion distinct from the body moving, and which is neither swift nor slow, curvilinear nor rectilinear.
With this discovery Kunll S Suag gave to man what man should have known thousands of years before The error in all the Poly-mathematical Theory has been housed m the assumption that time is an independent variable The old, honored Theory of Relativity, as well as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle was laid to rest with this one moment of clarity The concept that velocity in curvilinear motion is a function of an independent time variable was the error Light and time were not separable On the contrary there was a dependency on the variations of each quantity They are dependent jointly distributed hypervanables, to be treated with a new discrete space multidirecteti filternet limit In such a model no longer does viewing alter the nature of the viewed if one allows for the dependent shift in tune Moreover, the inability to travel at overhght velocities is merely an apparent effect of the observa .
With this discovery Kunll S Suag gave to man what man should have known thousands of years before The error in all the Poly-mathematical Theory has been housed m the assumption that time is an independent variable The old, honored Theory of Relativity, as well as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle was laid to rest with this one moment of clarity The concept that velocity in curvilinear motion is a function of an independent time variable was the error Light and time were not separable On the contrary there was a dependency on the variations of each quantity They are dependent jointly distributed hypervanables, to be treated with a new discrete space multidirecteti filternet limit In such a model no longer does viewing alter .