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n. storm shutter or other removable protection for all windows and doors in a residence or building against the effects of high winds, rain and flying objects during a hurricane. They can be made of a variety of materials such as aluminum panels, iron or even wood.

Usage examples of "curtainwall".

The high curtainwall of the palace was pocked and battered but still intact.

The curtainwall has broken open near the main gate and the enemy is fast invading die palace grounds.

By the nme that Ledavardis and his knights had fought their way into the large stableyard adjacent to the western door of the keep, Orogastus had barely managed to pass through the smashed curtainwall two hundred ells distant.

That was the wonderful thing about Novgorod: because they had the Amity escarpment on the east and the terraforming had piled up the rock and put up towers to make the Curtainwall on the west, and because they had all those people and all that sewage and all that algae and the greenbelt and algae starting out even in the marine shallows, it was one of the few places in the world besides Reseune that people went out without D-suits and the only other airport besides Reseune where you could take your baggage right through without anything but a hose-down and an inspection.

Kinsman turned and looked outward again, feeling the numbing cold of infinity seeping into him despite the heated curtainwall, watching the tantalizing beau ty of Earth hanging there, out of his reach.

The freshly repaired Citadel outworks and curtainwalls could not be scaled.

Now and then, in the glass curtainwalling of the surrounding buildings, they would see countless reflections of the sun move across the surface in huge sheets of fire, like the blazing facetted eyes of gigantic insects.