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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Curse \Curse\ (k?rs), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cursed (k?rst) or Curst; p. pr. & vb. n. Cursing.] [AS. cursian, corsian, perh. of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. korse to make the sign of the cross, Sw. korsa, fr. Dan. & Sw. kors cross, Icel kross, all these Scand. words coming fr. OF. crois, croiz, fr. L. crux cross. Cf. Cross.]

  1. To call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon; to imprecate evil upon; to execrate.

    Thou shalt not . . . curse the ruler of thy people.
    --Ex. xxii. 28.

    Ere sunset I'll make thee curse the deed.

  2. To bring great evil upon; to be the cause of serious harm or unhappiness to; to furnish with that which will be a cause of deep trouble; to afflict or injure grievously; to harass or torment.

    On impious realms and barbarous kings impose Thy plagues, and curse 'em with such sons as those.

    To curse by bell, book, and candle. See under Bell.


n. The act of one who curses. vb. (present participle of curse English)


adj. who is uttering obscenities; "arrested the flailing cursing old man"


Cursing may refer to:

  • Curse
  • Profanity

Usage examples of "cursing".

Through the exterior pickup, she could hear the invaders clomping noisily out of the lift, and in her helmet radio she could hear the marine commander even more noisily cursing the boneheaded son of a Ryxi egglayer who left the lift down and unlocked.

She corrected her course, cursing Gaber's big mouth and her own lack of self-control.

His conclusions did not settle his mind, for he growled with impatience and resumed his pacing, cursing Gorlot, cursing his own stupidity for falling into the trap of the asylum.

Frantically he signaled for Buz to come in, cursing fluently when he realized that Buzz probably hadn't bothered to turn the copter's set on.

He stamped out of the Hall, cursing fools and fatheads and men who wouldn't face reality.

The plastic refused to give up its supply of air, and Fargo was cursing as he helped.

Then something made a horrendous noise, all the lights went out, and in the sudden cold dark she heard Krewe cursing steadily.

Not all would fit back in, and cursing crewmen lashed nets of the stuff to the escort's hull.

In the meantime, she dismissed the honor guard, who departed cursing quietly at having been put into the tight-collared formal uniform in this heat if it wasn't really necessary, and invited Kai up for a visit.

He pulled on his pressure suit, lurched into die bulkhead, cursing, and staggered out into die passage.

Just in time, too, for my uncle was hauling me by the ear back up the plank, cursing under his breath.

Then he began a flow of soft cursing such as I had never heard before-vicious, promising vengeance from pagan gods on the high and mighty Lord Bericus for denying Iswy his simple request.

I heard Iswy cursing and promising that he'd get to ride the stallion one way or another.

And kept her there, cursing steadily and viciously, all through reentry and touchdown.

She shifted views rapidly, cursing the quick and dirty remodeling job that had left large areas of her own interior cut off from her visual sensors.