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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Organisation within the school emphasises whole-staff participation in management, cross-phase teams in curricular areas and whole-school planning strategies.
▪ This would not be to the exclusion of other World Religions which would be included in their appropriate curricular area.
▪ Such programs have been used in a number of curricular areas.
▪ Genuine curricular reform needs to begin by acknowledging that not all of the facts we teach children will stick with them.
▪ In each of these a textbook may be present as a resource, but it does not dictate the curricular program.
▪ Organisation within the school emphasises whole-staff participation in management, cross-phase teams in curricular areas and whole-school planning strategies.
▪ The structure reflects traditional curricular preoccupations in special education.
▪ There is probably no curricular subject that creates as much anxiety for parents as writing, and this is no surprise.
▪ These sources make it clear we will be fed yet more standardized testing and curricular standards.
▪ Two pairs of concepts have been elaborated in the light of empirical work conducted in actual curricular settings.
▪ While reducing head teachers' autonomy in curricular matters, the 1988 Act increases it in matters of financial management.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1798, "pertaining to driving carriages;" from Latin curriculum (see curriculum) + -ar.


a. Of, relating to, or following a curriculum.


adj. of or relating to an academic course of study

Usage examples of "curricular".

There must be a systematic way to make curricular changes without necessarily triggering bloody intramural conflict each time.

In this way, by making definite assumptions about the future and designing organizational and curricular objectives based on them, the Councils of the Future can begin to shape a truly super-industrial education system.

Because, he confided to me at the top of his voice, he was merely a visitor in New Tammany College, and much as he objected to its curricular policies, he did not wish to act discourteously -- besides, he'd not forgotten the consequence of his spree in the Nikolayan Zoo.

As the initial funders had died off and the enthusiasm of the dedicated artsy money had waned and endowment had been sought in more down-to-earth quarters, the curricular emphasis had switched to other arenas.