currently exist
▪ No treaty currently exists between the two countries.
▪ The first concerns the best method of allocating the scarce foreign exchange currently available.
▪ It is not an ideal test, but it is the best one currently available.
▪ Gipe gives values based on rotor diameter for the outputs of a range of wind turbines currently available.
▪ It has many advantages over the currently available regimens.
▪ Clearly, the existing technologies are a limitation and multimedia must temporarily be constrained by the platforms currently available to deliver it.
▪ In that way housing associations could immediately buy up many of the surplus properties that are currently available on the housing market.
▪ These are currently available in 57 of our stores and we plan to extend the range further.
▪ A new booklet Guidance for Students with Special Needs is currently available from the above address.
▪ Based in East Kilbride, the firm currently employs seven people.
▪ He did say that he is not currently employed and that he is approaching bankruptcy.
▪ The company currently employ a number of life-guards however, and these can be found in Staff Services department.
▪ Lechmere, a 28-store chain largely known for consumer electronics and home products, currently employs 4, 921 throughout the Northeast.
▪ Sparc Technology currently employs 30 to 40 people and is aiming for between 50 and 60 by the end of the year.
▪ Several implementations of these popular encryption techniques are currently employed.
▪ Of these only a few are not currently employed by one or other of the companies.
▪ Windsor Women's Centre currently employs members of staff and is hoping to increase that when the new centre opens.
▪ Throughout, the operation of the Tube will remain in the public sector, with the rights workers currently enjoy protected.
▪ As with other age groups, the president currently enjoys a lead over Dole in his own generation.
▪ It was currently enjoying a nosebag.
▪ Clinton currently enjoys a wide lead over Dole in a hypothetical two-way race, according to the latest nationwide public opinion surveys.
▪ They will provide for pensions on the same terms as are currently enjoyed.
▪ But with Dundee currently enjoying their best run of the season victory was certainly no foregone conclusion.
▪ But attention was expected to centre on Sir Anthony, currently enjoying one of the best periods of his distinguished acting career.
▪ Labour currently exists as government by grace of two coalition partners.
▪ Can he confirm that he does not merely wish to have a treaty that does not currently exist?
▪ No legislation currently exists to prevent offal being exported for human consumption in non-EC countries.
▪ Firstly, where there currently exist high levels of intra-EC imports but significant non-tariff barriers.
▪ The dangers to which the minority refer currently exist under the present law.
▪ Rugby officials say the offer has to be seriously considered and the two parties are currently holding talks.
▪ None the less, he is also a former House member and an acknowledged contender who currently holds the third ranking Senate leadership slot.
▪ So let me begin by making some impressionistic guesses about the views women do in fact currently hold on morality.
▪ Governments can easily guarantee their employees a job, without guaranteeing the job they currently hold.
▪ It is currently holding a gilt auction of around £3 billion on the last Wednesday of every month.
▪ He currently holds the post of chief operating officer.
▪ AT&T owns about 77% of Unix Labs, Novell currently holds about 5%, with the 11 other investors sharing about 18%.
▪ Richard Durbin for a seat currently held by Paul Simon, D-Ill., who is not seeking re-election.
▪ Middlesex University currently offers such a postgraduate course.
▪ They are currently offered or planned in 14 fields ranging from leisure and tourism to science.
▪ It currently offers on an annual basis up to 600,000 unemployed people an average of six months training and work experience.
▪ On the other hand, the society currently offers no training programmes per se.
▪ The Halifax is currently offering advances of up to 97 per cent of the value of the property.
▪ By 2010 most currently operating mines will be closed or closing.
▪ Verio currently operates nearly three times as many business Web sites as its closest competitor.
▪ There is a somewhat abstract quality about this body which currently operates out of solicitors' premises somewhere in Berkshire.
▪ The Ministry of Railways currently operates 37 plants, of which 19 deal with locomotives and the remainder handle coaches and wagons.
▪ Nine West currently operates 84 shoe departments in Burlington Coat Factory stores.
▪ Walgreen noted that it currently operates 2, 119 drugstores, up from 2, 017 a year ago.
▪ We have already announced our intention to establish independent authorities for the eight national parks currently run as county council committees.
▪ The country is currently run by a banker, Lamberto Dini, who leads a nonpolitical government of technocrats.
▪ Miss Christina Odone, a journalist who currently runs a business charity in Washington, takes up her position this week.
▪ Another hint: He is currently running for president.
▪ The initiative is currently running in 21 areas nationwide.
▪ The centre said it is currently running more than 50 commercial mediations a month.
▪ The level of business exported currently stands at 20 percent of Rolls Wood Group's annual turnover.
▪ Bush's unilateralism has several strands, though three currently stand out.
▪ It currently stands at 2 and a half miles.
▪ Increasing atmospheric levels of nitrous oxide currently stand at about eight percent above pre-industrial levels.
▪ Membership at Hampton Court, the head branch of the Horse Rangers, currently stands at 450 seniors and 80 juniors.
▪ Gearing currently stands at about 75 percent.
▪ It is currently used in a wide variety of products, platforms, and industries around the world.
▪ Development costs could be reduced by expanding these existing nuclear sites which are currently used primarily to produce fuel for military purposes.
▪ Typically, indicators currently used relate to science and technology manpower, ReD expenditure, patents, and publications.
▪ We reproduce in the appendix one that our new church planting team are currently using.
▪ It is currently used by 2,500 cars a day.
▪ The 7.6 acre site is currently used for grazing.
▪ The principle is currently used by one camera taking timed exposures from an orbiting space satellite.
▪ And he is currently working on a kingfisher which he estimates will take him 12 months to complete.
▪ If you are not currently working, you should devote forty hours each week to job hunting.
▪ The technical training department is currently working on the issue of competency assurance which is required by the new Safety Case Regulations.
▪ I am currently working as a temp, so any contributions to the fund will be minimal until I find full-time employment.
▪ It is currently working on a system for extending the security provided on Unix and local area network systems.
▪ Having said that, scientists are currently working on an atomic toolkit in the most literal sense.
▪ He is currently working at the Three Lions restaurant, Stuckton, Dorset.
▪ He currently works from his studio and workroom built in a large living room at home in Bethnal Green, East London.
▪ Currently, the most a senior nurse can earn is £16,000.
▪ Ken is currently working as a high school baseball coach.
▪ Ms. Kelly is currently assisting another customer. May I help you?
▪ The firm currently employs 113 people.
▪ The house is currently unoccupied.
▪ As currently conceived graduated tests serve both formative and summative functions.
▪ As far as wound cleansing is concerned, 93 percent of leg ulcers were managed in line with research recommendations and no nurses currently used hypochlorites.
▪ It is currently fashionable to forswear flesh eating in the interests of animal rights or a lower cholesterol level.
▪ No state currently recognizes marriages between homosexuals.
▪ The polytechnic currently has 71 research students and another 20 waiting to be registered.
▪ The running yield is currently 8.24 per cent, with a redemption yield of 6.87 per cent.
▪ There is currently no satisfactory means of preventing proximal colon cancer in the general population.