Crossword clues for curiosa
n. Curiosities, especially erotic or pornographic books or articles.
Curiosa is the name of a 2004 concert tour in the United States and Toronto, Canada, organized by Robert Smith of The Cure. It began with a concert in West Palm Beach, Florida on July 24 and ended in Sacramento, California on August 29.
The headlining bands were The Cure, Interpol, The Rapture, and Mogwai. The concert had two stages, with the same main-stage line-up for the entire tour, and a rotating set of bands on the second stage (four per show).
The second stage bands included Muse, Cursive, Thursday, The Cooper Temple Clause, Scarling., Melissa Auf der Maur, and Head Automatica.
While attendances were lower than expected, Curiosa was still one of the more successful American summer festivals of 2004.
Usage examples of "curiosa".
Father Caspar describes it as a “Sphynx Mystagoga, an Oedipus Aegyp-tiacus, a Monad leroglyphica, a Clavis Convenientia Lin-guarum, a Theatrum Cosmographicum Historicum, a Sylva Sylvarum of every alphabet natural and artificial, an Archi-tectura Curiosa Nova, a Combinatory Lamp, Mensa Isiaca, Metametricon, Synopsis Anthropoglottogonica, Basilica Cryp-tographica, an Amphitheatrum Sapientiae, Cryptomenesis Patefacta, Catoptron Polygraphicum, a Gazophylacium Ver-borum, a Mysterium Artis Steganographicae, Area Arithmo-logica, Archetypon Polyglotta, an Eisagoge Horapollinea, Congestorium Artificiosae Memoriae, Pantometron de Furtivis Literarum Notis, Mercurius Redivivus, and an Etymologicon Lustgartlein!
Los semidesnudos meruvios les abrían paso lanzando breves miradas curiosas a los dos fornidos prisioneros y a la litera de caballos en la que viajaba la princesa.
La única tela que emplean los guras es una especie de seda, tejida a partir de las fibras de una curiosa planta que crece cerca de los muros de la ciudad.
Burton menciona otros artificios congéneres —la séptuple copa de Kai Josrú, el espejo que Tárik Benzeyad encontró en una torre (1001 Noches, 272), el espejo que Luciano de Samosata pudo examinar en la luna (Historia Verdadera, I, 26), la lanza especular que el primer libro del Satyricon de Capella atribuye a Júpiter, el espejo universal de Merlin, "redondo y hueco y semejante a un mundo de vidrio" (The Faerie Queene, III, 2, 19)—, y añade estas curiosas palabras: "Pero los anteriores (además del defecto de no existir) son meros instrumentos de óptica.
There one might legitimately scrape up acquaintance with notables, so as later to be in a favorable position to offer them modest sums for their hand-corrected proofs, typescripts (a surprising number of science-fiction writers still refused to process their words), autographed first editions, or literary curiosa of a marketable sort.
There one might legitimately scrape up acquaintance with notables, so as later to be in a favorable position to offer them modest sums for their hand-corrected proofs, typescripts (a surprising number of science-fiction writers still refused to process their words), autographed first editions, or literary curiosa of a marketable sort.