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n. (plural of cupcake English)

Cupcakes (band)

Cupcakes were a Power pop band from Chicago who were signed to the DreamWorks record label and released one self-titled album in 2000. The band's drummer, Matt Walker, had previously played with the Smashing Pumpkins and Filter and would go on to play with Garbage and Morrissey.

Usage examples of "cupcakes".

Scenting disaster from afar as is her habit, Myra arrived, bearing half-a-dozen turgid cupcakes left over from some family starch-fest.

According to ancient myth, Athens was created when Poseidon, the God of Adventure, struck the ground with his trident, which upset Ramona, the Goddess of Humidity and Ranch Dressing, who told Dagmar, the God of Variable-Rate Mortgages, who got so mad that he punched Raoul, the God of Those Little Colored Things You Sprinkle on Cupcakes, and as a result Athens was formed.

On the table, there were two muffin tins, each containing twelve freshly baked cupcakes in paper liners with little golden-brown domed heads.

And then she and Andrew would go to the kitchen and make cupcakes, or she and Abigail would cut out paper dolls, or string beads, or make pictures with spaghetti.