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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cumbersome \cum"ber*some\ (k?m"b?r-s?m), a.

  1. Burdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag; embarrassing; vexatious; cumbrous.

    To perform a cumbersome obedience.
    --Sir. P. Sidney.

  2. Not easily managed; as, a cumbersome contrivance or machine.

    He holds them in utter contempt, as lumbering, cumbersome, circuitous.
    --I. Taylor. -- Cum"ber*some*ly, adv. -- Cum"ber*some*ness,n.


n. The state of being cumbersome


n. trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape; "the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano" [syn: awkwardness, unwieldiness]

Usage examples of "cumbersomeness".

He frowned, slightly nettled at the cumbersomeness of the manual procedure.

So long as we are doing our conscientious best to free our boys and girls from the cumbersomeness of a classic education, we may feel that we have done our duty, and may indulge a secret delight in the dusty shelves that reveal to us the grace that was Greece and the glory that was Rome.