Cultwo is a South Korean comedy duo consisting of Jung Chan-woo and Kim Tae-gyun. Formed in 1994 as Cult Triple, in 2002, Jung Seong-han left the team. After which, Chan-woo and Tae-gyun renamed the team the current name. Their syndicated talk radio show Cultwo Show, airs via the SBS Power FM since 2006.
They appeared with Kim Tae-gyun's son, Kim Bum-jun, in Episode 20 of Roommate Season 2. Kim Tae-gyun revealed that since his son watches Roommate every other day, so he decided to make an appearance on the show. After they appeared on the show, Kim Tae-gyun shared that he longs for his deceased mother, who died in 2014 due to cancer. On the day of the cremation, Kim Tae-gyun also shared that his mother appeared in his dream. Kim Bum-jun is a fan of GOT7's Jackson.