n. (plural of cultivator English)
Usage examples of "cultivators".
Nearly all the agriculturists, manufacturers and tradesmen of the day, little and big, are public enemies - farmers, tenant farmers, market-gardeners, cultivators of every degree, as well as foremen, shopkeepers, especially wine-dealers, bakers and butchers.
I gave him a chance to say something about my being late, but he just said, "Those cultivators have come.
What do you reckon the boll-weevils'll eat if you dont get those cultivators in shape to raise them a crop?
The work-gangs were following, catching any weeds the skimmer-blades of the cultivators missed.
Now that the nobles are driven out, the bourgeoisie in retirement, the large cultivators under suspicion, while animal necessities exercise their blind and intermittent despotism, the appropriate popular ministers consist of adventurers and of bandits.
Already many of our best cultivators are giving up their business, while others threaten to do the same in case these disorders continue.
At Tulle, the electors of the second class, almost all chosen from among the cultivators, and, moreover, catechized by the club, nominate for deputies and public prosecutor only the candidates who are pledged against rentals and against water privileges.
Oblige all the cultivators of the neighborhood to sell their wheat at Forges only, etc.
Letters of several mayors, district administrators, cultivators of Velizy, Villacoublay, La celle-Saint-Cloud, Montigny, etc.
Plain cultivators, taxed at 10,000 livres, have sixty men billeted on them.
Out of 12,000 condemned to death whose rank and professions have been ascertained, 7,545[101] are peasants, cultivators, ploughmen, workmen of various sorts, innkeepers, wine dealers, soldiers and sailors, domestics, women, young girls, servants and seamstresses.
It is obvious that the Jacobin wood-chopper persecutes, insistently and selectively, the veterans of labor and savings, the large cultivators who from father to son and for many generations have possessed the same farm, the master-craftsmen whose shops are well stocked and who have good customers, the respectable, well-patronized retailers, who owe nothing.
A new estimate and verification of the food supply takes place, domiciliary searches, seizures of special stores regarded as too ample,[83] limited rations for each consumer, a common and obligatory mess table for all prisoners, brown, égalité bread, mostly of bran, for every mouth that can chew, prohibition of the making of any other kind, confiscation of boulters and sieves,[84] the "individual," personal responsibility of every administrator who allows the people he directs to resist or escape providing the demanded supplies, the sequestration of his property, imprisonment, fines, the pillory and the guillotine to hurry up requisitions, or stop free trading, - every terrifying method is driven to the utmost against the farmers and cultivators of the soil.
She must get back and oversee the harvest, make sure the cultivators weren't wasting their efforts on inferior plantings, gleaners weren't wandering aimlessly, breeders not swaggering about and boasting of the part they would play in the coming ceremony.
All were horrified, cultivators, coordinators, translators, and scouts alike.