Crossword clues for culpability
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Culpability \Cul`pa*bil"i*ty\ (k?l`p?-b?l`?-t?), n.; pl. Culpabilities (-t?z). [Cf. F. culpabilit['e].] The state of being culpable.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
1670s, from Late Latin culpabilitas "guilt, culpability," from Latin culpabilis (see culpable).
n. The degree of one's blameworthiness in the commission of a crime or offence.
n. a state of guilt [syn: blameworthiness, culpableness]
Culpability, or being culpable, is a measure of the degree to which an agent, such as a person, can be held morally or legally responsible for action and inaction. Culpability marks the dividing line between moral evil, like murder, for which someone may be held legally responsible and a randomly occurring event, like earthquakes, for which no human can be held responsible. One formulation of the concept is as follows:
Culpability descends from the Latin concept of fault ( culpa). The concept of culpability is intimately tied up with notions of agency, freedom, and free will. All are commonly held to be necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for culpability.
Usage examples of "culpability".
I was getting at before - command culpability at a level higher than yours.
In considering the extent of culpability of the officer charged, you may consider his rank, background, education, Army schooling, and his experience in the field during prior operations involving contact with hostile and with friendly Vietnamese.
If she is questioned, your prior assistance will be weighed in determining what culpability you share with her.
He thought of burning the incriminating letters, destroying them and proof of his culpability forever, but he also knew that as long as he possessed them they gave him powerful ascendancy over Andrew.
Even if you prove his culpability, Laigin may still hold Cashel as responsible?
Spurred on by indignation, he weaves new concepts of crime, innocence, culpability, and punishment into his great poem on the nature of things.
A trial cannot be conducted by announcing the general culpability of a civilization.
In the new universe, on the other hand, the judgment pronounced by history must be pronounced immediately, for culpability coincides with the check to progress and with punishment.
But the concept of objective culpability proves that this curious kind of objectivity is only based on results and facts which will only become accessible to science in the year 2000, at the very earliest.
At the slightest error potential culpability becomes in its turn objective culpability.
After a while, you will be seen as an overly emotional, impulsive girl,, who was seduced by a seasoned roue who finally had the decency to own up to his culpability and marry you.
The last thing any sentient needs is the unrequested addition of external culpability.
To claim injury for Kisburn's conjurers is to assume culpability for their crimes.
He hoped it was Saito coming on-line: he could use a linguist about now—and he could wish Legal Affairs hadn't left their office to a junior: the Fleet needed to enlist a motherworld lawyer, was what they needed, maybe two and three of them, since they never seemed unanimous— he'd had the UDC counsel on the line last night, talking about culpabilities and wanting releases from the next-ofs— "Lt.
But O felicitous culpability, sweet bad cess to you for an archetypt!