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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cuish \Cuish\ (kw?s), n. [F. cuisse thigh, fr. L. coxa hip: cf. F. cuissard, OF, cuissot, armor for the thigh, cuish. Cf. Hough.] Defensive armor for the thighs. [ Written also cuisse, and quish.] [1913 Webster] ||


n. defensive armour for the thighs

Usage examples of "cuish".

As for himself, though he had been fitted out in lobster-tail helmet, leather buff-coat and steel cuirass, vambraces, cuishes and gauntlets, and had a broadswordsomewhat altereddepending from a wide leather baldric, the clothing beneath was anachronistichis old GI coveralls and a handsome pair of hand-tooled Western boots.

Your armour fits you as if made for you, save that these cuishes scarce meet your body armour.

As for himself, though he had been fitted out in lobster-tail helmet, leather buff-coat and steel cuirass, vambraces, cuishes and gauntlets, and had a broadswordsomewhat altereddepending from a wide leather baldric, the clothing beneath was anachronistichis old GI coveralls and a handsome pair of hand-tooled Western boots.