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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cuirassed \Cui*rassed"\ (kw[-e]*r[.a]st" or kw[=e]"r[a^]st), a.

  1. Wearing a cuirass.

  2. (Zo["o]l) Having a covering of bony plates, resembling a cuirass; -- said of certain fishes.


a. 1 Wearing a cuirass. 2 (context zoology English) Having a covering of bony plates, resembling a cuirass; said of certain fishes.

Usage examples of "cuirassed".

A hundred and fifty men, Fustenus, all cuirassed, helmeted and heavily armed.

The very children armed themselves, and there were even little urchins cuirassed and accoutred, running between the legs of the topers like large beetles.