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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cuff \Cuff\ (k?f), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cuffed (k?ft); p. pr. & vb. n. Cuffing.] [Cf. Sw. kuffa to knock, push,kufva to check, subdue, and E. cow, v. t. ]

  1. To strike; esp., to smite with the palm or flat of the hand; to slap.

    I swear I'll cuff you, if you strike again.

    They with their quills did all the hurt they could, And cuffed the tender chickens from their food.

  2. To buffet. ``Cuffed by the gale.''


n. The act by which somebody is cuffed or struck. vb. (present participle of cuff English)

Usage examples of "cuffing".

They returned always to take a severe cuffing and scolding from bruin, but what little bear can remember a beating from one day to the next?

They waded in, cuffing more rioters, breaking up combatants with scant regard for who was attempting to throttle whom.

I had no objection to the fellow kicking her, or cuffing her about a bit, of course.

In another moment I was close enough to hear the fizzle of the cuffing beam, and the pop as it cut off.

He began leaping and skipping about on the bank and cuffing Fiver with his front paws.

The rest she allowed Jack and Jerry to come and wallow in, sniffing it with their keen noses and then cuffing it tentatively with their paws, until finally they were tumbling and scuffling in the midst of it.

And because they had not been through Burl's experiences, they took the cuffings like children.

But I immediately received a hail of cuffings which made me jump straight out of the soaked sheets, and rush in my nightshirt into the corridor, the door of which I found open.

Among them I performed, on the whole, only the most menial of labors, commonly guided in my work only by cuffings and the blows of whips.

In this way she may be able to better read his moods, and desires, and, accordingly, be able the better to serve him, in the process perhaps saving herself a few cuffings and beatings, such as might be garnered by a less alert, more slothful, laxer girl.