"Cucurucu" is a song by English musician Nick Mulvey. The song was released on 3 March 2014.
Mulvey told The Cambridge News that the song's title is meaningless. "It's meant to be a noise a child would make," he explained. "It might relate to a bird sound too. It's actually quite similar to the noise they make in France for a cockerel. You know how we say 'cock-a-doodle-do'? Over there it's like that Cucurucu."
"At its core it's my adaptation of DH Lawrence's poem Piano," Mulvey added. "The poem depicts a child under the piano, smiling as its mother sings, so I thought it would be lovely to have a song within the song. So I'm singing in her voice, really, and then I got the chorus about 'yearning to belong', so it's not just putting his words to my music. At first I was bothered by that, because I didn't think I should've changed it, but I've got used to it."
Cucurucu is the brother of Pulcinella, and a zanni character in commedia dell'arte. Like Pulcinella, Cucurucu's name is probably derived from a bird noise.
He figures in the comic madrigal "Chichilichichì Cucurucù," attributed to Giovanni Domenico da Nola, and the madrigal "Chi Chi Li Chi" by Andrea Gabrieli, along with Lucia and Martina. A sketch by Jacques Callot shows him with another zanni, Razullo.