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vb. (standard spelling of from=non-Oxford British spelling crystallize English)

  1. v. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" [syn: clear, clear up, shed light on, crystallize, crystalize, crystalise, straighten out, sort out, enlighten, illuminate, elucidate]

  2. cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form; "crystallize minerals" [syn: crystallize, crystalize, crystalise]

  3. cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallize his thoughts" [syn: crystallize, crystalise, crystalize]

Usage examples of "crystallise".

Under the direction of the Queen of Plenty, the males swarmed tirelessly over the high circling construction, crystallising the fabric, it seemed, directly out of the sparse particles of sub-lunar space.

Her lips did not move, nor her eyes, but under the skin of her broad, sallow face a lattice of faint geometrical shapes came and went, as if she were crystallising from within.

One by one, escape profiles began to crystallise, only to melt down seconds later.

What there was instead was an insubstantial shimmering blue lattice dividing up the room, as if something were trying very hard to crystallise out of the air.

The words of language besides offer us so many symbolic centres round which crystallise groups of motor mechanisms set up by habit, the only usual elements of our internal determinations.

Then suddenly, just as idle speculation about this whole matter was about to alight on some fixed point in my mind, crystallise into something like suspicion, up came the shades again, and off it flitted, as formless as ever and without having had a chance to come to rest on anything.

It required the dictation of the vindictive and malevolent Fenayrou to crystallise her hatred of Aubert into a deliberate participation in his murder.

Those who knew him best had learned that that peculiarly lazy and aimless smile was the index of a crystallising determination which was harder to resist than most men's square-jawed aggression.

She flew about her room, feeling that if she once stood still it would all crystallise in hard painful thought, which motion alone kept away.

I gave him no more time to crystallise his suspicions of me but set off down the long passage as if every step of the way was familiar.

Men have to gather it,--the little store they possess is soon crystallised into hardness by Reason,--but women have enough in themselves usually to last a lifetime.

Yet, for a moment, as the embittered mind gabbled through the string of words that long habit had crystallised into an empty formula, Mother noticed that the lines of grey grew slightly clearer.

The words seemed written down in dew, but the dew crystallised into fairy patterns that instantly flew about the world upon their mission of deliverance.

For I had a sudden strong conviction that it meant that the universe and world I had been dreaming up all day had suddenly crystallised into physical existence somewhere.

For now I felt more strongly than before that queer conviction that my day’s dreaming had crystallised into solid reality.