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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crystallin \Crys"tal*lin\ (-l?n), n. (Physiol. Chem.) See Gobulin.


n. (context protein English) A globulin found in the lens of the eye


In anatomy, a crystallin is a water-soluble structural protein found in the lens and the cornea of the eye accounting for the transparency of the structure. It has also been identified in other places such as the heart, and in aggressive breast cancer tumors. Since it has been shown that lens injury may promote nerve regeneration, crystallin has been an area of neural research. So far, it has been demonstrated that crystallin β b2 (crybb2) may be a neurite-promoting factor.

Usage examples of "crystallin".

Aldrovanda, 321 , on contractile tissues in plants, 364 , on movements of stamens of Compositae, 256 , on Utricularia, 395 Colchicine, action on Drosera, 204 Copper chloride, action on Drosera, 185 Crystallin, its digestion by Drosera, 120 Curare, action on Drosera, 204 Curtis, Dr.