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Cryptophagidae is a family of beetles with representatives found in all ecozones. Members of this family are commonly called silken fungus beetles and both adults and larvae appear to feed exclusively on fungi although in a wide variety of habitats and situations, such as rotting wood and shed animal fur and feathers. These beetles vary from about 1 to 11 millimeters long, and usually have an oval body shape with a slight "waist".

Around 600 species have been described and are placed in about 60 genera in two subfamilies.


  • Atomariinae
  • Cryptophaginae

Genera include:

  • Antherophagus
  • Atomaria
  • Coenoscelis
  • Cryptophagus
  • Ephistemus
  • Henoticus
  • Micrambe
  • Ootypus
  • Paramecosoma
  • Renodesta
  • Telmatophilus