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The Collaborative International Dictionary

cryometer \cry*om"e*ter\, n. [Gr. ? cold, frost + -meter.] (Physics) A thermometer for the measurement of low temperatures, esp. such an instrument containing alcohol or some other liquid of a lower freezing point than mercury.


n. A thermometer used at very low temperatures.


n. a thermometer designed to measure low temperatures


A cryometer is a thermometer used to measure very low temperatures of objects.

There are many types of devices used as cryometers:

  1. thermocouples: these can be used down to measure about 1 K temperature.
  2. vapour pressure thermometers: these can be used to measure temperatures down to about 0.5K
  3. resistance thermometers: these can be used to measure temperatures at 0.01 K.
  4. melting curve thermometers: these can be used to measure temperatures between about 0.001K and 0.5K
  5. resistance noise thermometers: these can be used to down to about 0.001K
  6. magnetic thermometers: which are used at 0.001 K temperatures.
  7. nuclear-resonance thermometers: these are required to measure very low temperatures such as 0.0000001 K.