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crying out for

vb. (present participle of cry out for English)

Usage examples of "crying out for".

And that Nick's kitchen was crying out for a large dose of industrial-strength cleaner.

His entire body was crying out for sleep, yet he knew that there was no chance of slumber.

That it was my own people, here and now, crying out for aid from an emperor whose misjudgment had resulted in widespread slaughter.

There had been some rain a few days previously, but this had rapidly been soaked up by the earth and the ground was crying out for more.

I'll destroy him somehow, my staff is still loyal to me, I'll put together an army, I'll hire assassins of my own, I'll make contact with Admiral Sipp, and then Chen will be the one to sob, crying out for mercy as I disfigure him the way he has mutilated me&mdash.

The generals in the field were crying out for fresh troops, and there were fewer and fewer fresh troops to be had.

The arm let go of Frodo, and Sam pulled him away, crying out for help.

He went on kissing her gently, his hands moving to stroke and soothe her, but she did not want to be soothed now, her body was crying out for completion, it was starvation, agony.