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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crustiness \Crust"i*ness\ (-[i^]-n[e^]s), n.

  1. The state or quality of having crust or being like crust; hardness.

  2. The quality of being crusty or surly.

    Old Christy forgot his usual crustiness.
    --W. Irving.


n. The state of being crusty

Usage examples of "crustiness".

And was so touched and pleased by that confiding little kiss that all his crustiness vanished, and he just set her on his knee, and laid his wrinkled cheek against her rosy one, feeling as if he had got his own little granddaughter back again.

Laurence, hale and hearty as ever, was quite as much improved as the others by his foreign tour, for the crustiness seemed to be nearly gone, and the old-fashioned courtliness had received a polish which made it kindlier than ever.

Gradually the crustiness of the wound was softening, and when he changed the compress for the fourth time, the evil matter inside the wound began to flow out.

Two hundred four‑pound loaves — Hornblower could taste the crustiness of them in his watering mouth when he merely looked at them.