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n. (plural of crunchie English)


The Crunchies are an industry award given out since 2008 by several technology blogs to the Silicon Valley companies and venture capitalists they cover.

The awards have been sponsored and co-hosted by blogs such as GigaOm, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and ReadWriteWeb (which no longer participates), and tabulated from votes on their sites. Awards have been given out at ceremonies at various theaters in San Francisco, California.

The award, a plastic sculpture of a primate standing on top of a computer with a bone in his hand, is a reference to the opening scenes of 2001: A Space Odyssey, or possibly to a scene spoofing that movie in Zoolander.

Usage examples of "crunchies".

The word "prune" was not to appear in any Plum Crunchies publicity or advertising, a corporate edict with which both Max Lamb and Bonnie Brooks wholeheartedly agreed.

Plum Crunchies failed to capture a significant share of the fruited-branflake breakfast market and quietly disappeared forever from the shelves.

Max hadn't anything zippy to brag about except the short-lived Plum Crunchies ditty.

Max was absolutely elated to discover that she'd been a glutton for Plum Crunchies cereal.

Hopefully the commander of the unit they were about to run over so that maybe the crunchies would get out of the way.

He could see the crunchies arrayed on the hill panicking as the giant mass of metal backed towards them but he had other things to worry about.