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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I must have made a strange sight, crumpled up on the floor trying to read that opening paragraph.
▪ He crumpled up some paper in his fist and handed it to me quickly and got back into his chair.
▪ Thrown on or crumpled up in a bucket of it.
▪ And looking like a big tin can, about to be crumpled up.
▪ She thought about the one with the smashed head crumpling up.
▪ He crumpled up the burrito wrapper and bounced it off the rim of the trash can.
▪ Then he looked in the car, saw my father crumpled up and started to speak.
▪ I spent a couple of hours crumpling up sheets of paper and trying to throw them past Raffles.
▪ She apparently thought better of it, but her face started to crumple as if she was going to cry.
▪ Betsy's face crumpled a bit, and Jimmy put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze.
▪ The phone, her desk, the crumpled shape on the floor that was her jeans, everything looked different.
▪ Before I could grasp what was happening, I had bounced off the wall and was crumpling on to the floor in pain.
▪ I must have made a strange sight, crumpled up on the floor trying to read that opening paragraph.
▪ She looked down at her gown, crumpled on the floor where she had flung it.
▪ Her little summer dress and leather jacket crumpled up on the floor where she had left them when she was happy.
▪ Lissa crumpled the paper into her clammy palm.
▪ He reached in and pulled out some crumpled pieces of paper.
▪ You crumple the paper and begin daydreaming to ease the frustration.
▪ He crumpled up some paper in his fist and handed it to me quickly and got back into his chair.
▪ The crumpled paper turned out to be more funnies that he had painstakingly cut out.
▪ Zung accessorized his models with crumpled paper bag hats trimmed in a band of lambskin.
▪ He pinched some out and cleaned it on a crumpled paper bag, not knowing what to say.
▪ I finished one bagel and crumpled the paper it had come wrapped in.
▪ As he starts to crumple at my feet, I grab the front of his shirt and drag him upright.
▪ As the bullet tore through his leg, he crumpled to the ground.
▪ He crumpled his shirt into a ball and threw it into the laundry basket.
▪ The whole front of the car crumpled upon impact with the wall.
▪ He crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down.
▪ Mitchell crumpled both and pitched them into the wastebasket.
▪ The rickety wood splintered under the impact and Jack crumpled, blood welling from a gash on his forehead.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crumple \Crum"ple\ (kr[u^]m"p'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Crumpled (-p'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Crumpling (-pl[i^]ng).] [Dim. fr. crump,

  1. ] To draw or press into wrinkles or folds; to crush together; to rumple; as, to crumple paper.

    They crumpled it into all shapes, and diligently scanned every wrinkle that could be made.


Crumple \Crum"ple\, v. i. To contract irregularly; to show wrinkles after being crushed together; as, leaves crumple.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, crumplen, frequentative of crumpen "to curl up" (from Old English crump "bent, crooked"). Related: Crumpled; crumpling.


n. A crease, wrinkle, or irregular fold. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To rumple; to press into wrinkles by crushing together. 2 (context transitive English) To cause to collapse. 3 (context intransitive English) To become wrinkled. 4 (context intransitive English) To collapse.

  1. v. fall apart; "the building crimbled after the explosion"; "Negociations broke down" [syn: crumble, tumble, break down, collapse]

  2. fold or collapse; "His knees buckled" [syn: buckle]

  3. to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips" [syn: pucker, rumple, cockle, knit]

  4. become wrinkled or crumpled or creased; "This fabric won't wrinkle" [syn: rumple, wrinkle, crease, crinkle]


Usage examples of "crumple".

Boldly I performed the chasse en avant and chasse en arriere glissade, until, when it came to my turn to move towards her and I, with a comic gesture, showed her the poor glove with its crumpled fingers, she laughed heartily, and seemed to move her tiny feet more enchantingly than ever over the parquetted floor.

The lanky man crumpled to the floor like a kid, breaking into sobs, his face in his arms, his back in a fetal curl.

He slashed open the one on his left and caught the other with his backswing, and the two began to crumple to the ground together.

One of the baggagemasters, an elderly sergeant who had been through World War I, remained on the ground, crumpled up with his hands pressed hard into his guts.

McWhirter was grinning and verbose as he walked bouncily from one working party to another, his crumpled jacket flapping.

And as the Xcab crumples under her impact, she can see the other cabs wandering lost for a second as the hive-map adjusts to the loss.

It had been recently occupied, but there was still unopened cans in the kitchen, and still crumpled sheets on the bed.

Given the stress of the dementia work-up, every organ system crumpled: in a domino progression the injection of radioactive dye for her brain scan shut down her kidneys, and the dye study of her kidneys overloaded her heart, and the medication for her heart made her vomit, which altered her electrolyte balance in a life-threatening way, which increased her dementia and shut down her bowel, which made her eligible for the bowel run, the cleanout for which dehydrated her and really shut down her tormented kidneys, which led to infection, the need for dialysis, and big-time complications of these big-time diseases.

In its flickering light they could all see three flyblown bodies crumpled against the wall, rocks scattered around them.

Graham got a glimpse over the heads of the surging crowd, saw two crumpled gyrocars which appeared to have met in head-on collision.

Tossing the crumpled headrail aside, she stood and moved in front of him.

The Nobel laureate crumpled old newspapernot much in the way of new newspaper around these daysand padded the box with it.

Rupert Juneau crumpled forward onto the rock, his weapon plunging down the side of the mountain.

The outer corolla is much shorter, crumpled, rolled back, and somewhat marked with green, as if intermediate in its nature between the larger corolla and the calyx.

Headless, blinded, the imp staggered, stepped back, piled up questing lemures against the back of its knees, and crumpled atop them.