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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In the winter, a muffin man's baize-covered tray was laden mainly with crumpets.
▪ Once, we had tea and crumpet without a hint of double entendres.
▪ Sunday tea-time remains peak crumpet time.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

crumpet \crump"et\ (kr[u^]mp"[e^]t), n. [Prob. from W. crempog, crammwgth, a pancake or fritter.]

  1. A kind of large, thin, unsweetened muffin or cake, light and spongy, and cooked on a griddle or spider, or sometimes toasted.

  2. a sexually attractive woman. [British slang]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1690s, perhaps from crompid cake "wafer," literally "curled-up cake" (1382; Wyclif's rendering of Hebrew raqiq in Ex. 29:23), from crompid, past participle of crumpen "curl up." Alternative etymology is from Celtic (compare Breton krampoez "thin, flat cake"). Slang meaning "woman regarded as a sex object" is first recorded 1936.


n. 1 A type of savoury cake, typically flat and round, made from batter and yeast, containing many small holes and served toasted, usually with butter. 2 (context British slang uncountable English) A person (or, collectively, persons) considered sexually desirable.


n. raised muffin cooked on a griddle [syn: English muffin]


A crumpet is a griddle cake made from flour and yeast.

Usage examples of "crumpet".

I knew that when the duckies, luvs, and crumpets disappeared, things were bad.

I am told six crumpets, and a new egg apiece besides at tea, to make merry with, and stories and little songs for Fairy.

Lady Belling ham beamed, 'we could have crumpets and hot chocolate before we retire!

We's starving and we's broke, we's no work, we's can put nuffink more on the slate, man--even with my cobber Bonzer for Gawd's sake--there ain't a bar in Yokopoko that'll give us a beer, a bed or a bite of bread let alone some crumpet.

When everybody who was going to had signed up with M & M Enterprises, Fine Fruits and Produce, Milo created a wholly owned subsidiary, M & M Fancy Pastry, and obtained more airplanes and more money from the mess funds for scones and crumpets from the British Isles, prune and cheese Danish from Copenhagen, ‚clairs, cream puffs, Napoleons and petits fours from Paris, Reims and Grenoble, Kugelhopf, pumpernickel and Pfefferkuchen from Berlin, Linzer and Dobos Torten from Vienna, Strudel from Hungary and baklava from Ankara.

Sure, you'll hear tell of some high-placed corporate honcho or honchita horndogging after a bit of crumpet, but you can bet your T-bills that they lock up their assets first.

There are oodles of bits of crumpet back in the Blight, lying around with their legs open and their little twots pulsating, just waiting for handsome young sergeants like us to come home.

Nessarose, balanced on a sofa next to Nanny, who assisted by lifting teacups and crumpling buttery bits of crumpet, was in green silks, the colors of moss, emerald, and yellowgreen roses.

Stephen Maturin had dined with the ladies of Mapes, Mrs Williams, Sophia, Cecilia and Frances - traces of brown windsor soup, codfish, pigeon pie, and baked custard could be seen on his neck-cloth, his snuff-coloured waistcoat and his drab breeches, for he was an untidy eater and he had lost his napkin before the first remove, in spite of Sophia's efforts at preserving it - and now he was sitting on one side of the fire drinking tea, white Sophia toasted him crumpets on the other, leaning forward over the pink and silver glow with particular attention neither to scorch the crumpet by holding it too close nor to parch it by holding it too .

There were small, honey crumpets, homemade scones with thick Jersey cream, finger sandwiches of cucumber, cheese and ham, tomato slices and alfalfa sprouts.

He’d only been in town a few weeks, and already I knew that when the duckies, luvs, and crumpets disappeared, things were bad.

While they changed in our cottage, he explained to me that a crumpet was a cheeklet with a warm muffiny heart, whereas a cheeklet was a crumpet with a talent for creating special problems.

Every last bit of it, good and bad - Marmite, village fetes, country lanes, people saying 'mustn't grumble' and 'I'm terribly sorry but', people apologizing to me when I conk them with a careless elbow, milk in bottles, beans on toast, haymaking in June, stinging nettles, seaside piers, Ordnance Survey maps, crumpets, hot-water bottles as a necessity, drizzly Sundays - every bit of it.

She pursed the lips, nodded the loaf, and ate a moody piece of crumpet.