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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I didn't want your crummy toy anyway!
▪ Larry came home in a pretty crummy mood today.
▪ That's a crummy attempt at a French accent.
▪ The weather is still pretty crummy.
▪ Yeah, what a crummy job!
▪ I've got a crummy ordinary dogsbody job.
▪ It was indeed bloody sauce putting the Party's delegation up at such a crummy hotel.
▪ Meanwhile, the 30-something gals are keeping their crummy day jobs.
▪ Perhaps he had had a bad day at the garage and had not sold enough crummy second-hand cars.
▪ That's what they want me to be - some crummy clerk with painted fingernails number-crunching on a computer all day.
▪ Whatever he has up his hair, though, it still makes him a crummy date.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crummy \Crum"my\ (kr[u^]m"m[y^]), a.

  1. Full of crumb or crumbs.

  2. Soft, as the crumb of bread is; not crusty.

  3. of very poor quality. [informal]

    Syn: bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinny. [WordNet 1.5]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1560s, "easily crumbled;" 1570s, "like bread," from crumb + -y (2). The second sense probably accounts for 18c. (and later in dialects) use, of a woman, "attractively plump, full-figured, buxom." Slang meaning "shoddy, filthy, inferior, poorly made" in use by 1859, probably is from the first sense, but influenced by crumb in its slang sense of "louse."


a. 1 (context informal English) bad; poor 2 (context dated English) Full of crumb or crumbs; crumby. 3 (context dated English) Soft, like the crumb of bread; not crusty. n. (context informal British Columbia and U.S. Pacific Northwest English) Small van, bus, or railway car used to transport loggers or other resource workers to and from the worksite. A common term when referring to a vehicle with a compartment separate from the cab, housing the silvicultural, logging or mining crew during transport.

  1. adj. of very poor quality [syn: bum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, punk, sleazy, tinny]

  2. [also: crummiest, crummier]



  • A railroaders' slang term for a caboose.
  • A loggers' term for the vehicle transporting loggers to the work site.
  • Helen Crummy, a founder of The Craigmillar Festival Society.

Usage examples of "crummy".

Christ, I had forgotten that, you were a crummy shavetail then, but you learned fast enough.

I mean, tell me the truth, who really could care less about a crummy beanfield and a couple gallons of water?

County Manager Joaquin Avino was in charge of building and zoning when some of the crummiest developments were approved.

They had a real crummy pledge class this year because the Kappa Theta Eta house is the nappiest on campus, even worse than some of the fraternity houses.

His grifter pretends to be a time traveler, and pulls off a stinga lot crummier sting than the beauty I put together, by the way: it never woulda worked in real lifeand then the punchline is, the real time travelers hear he's blowing their cover, and they come boil his brain.

And my poor Bar-ba-loots are all getting the crummies because they have gas, and no food, in their tummies!

His eyes closed and he could see them moving now, not just the crummy dinosaurs you could see on TV but the special ones: the tiny, vicious deinonychus, the "terrible claw.

Not to mention caviar for me and Albert, and ribs for old Julio and dim sum for his girl, and whole big bucket of crummy stuff you like so much, what is it, tuna-fish salad.

I think we were in the town of Idaho Springs, which has its fair share of crummy motels.

And then, after the baskets had sorted out the more select items for his personal inspection, he could set up an organization to sell the rest of it in job lots and he could afford to sell it at a figure that would run all the rest of those crummy dealers clear out on the limb.

Arrested, stand trial and winding up in this crummy place in the Niagara River, Tomahawk Island Youth Camp.

If that meant he had to crouch here next to a crummy little warehouse of rusting sheet metal in South Central LA, hoping he wouldn't get shot and frying his sinuses when he could be hiking in the Sierras breathing air colder and cleaner than crystal, or canoeing in Glacier National Park,, or even just taking a break to help out on his brother's farm back in North Dakota, then so be it.

Tassler, of course, had no reason to think that some eighty years later the park would be used by a bunch of crummy sleazoids who made money by setting poor animals at each other's throat, literally.

So are you going to give her a tranquilizing shot, or do we let my friends die before they can find out how to save this dust-blown, rat-ass crummy little planet full of arrogant sons of bitches like you?

Not only are they crummy, they are practically university annexes, with both managers under the thumb of the administration.