n. cake or coffeecake topped with a mixture of sugar and butter and flour
Usage examples of "crumb cake".
Sounding faintly amused, Jan-tie took the jug back and handed him the wrapped crumb cake.
The pile of golden crumbs responded at once, gathering themselves together as if drawn up by a vacuum, first into a crumb cake, then a neat, shiny-topped pound cake loaf.
Gracie takes a Sharp Pound Cake (or Cheese Cake or Crumb Cake) from the freezer of their old refrigerator and sets it on the table.
He invited me inside and had coffee and a store-bought crumb cake waiting in his den.
I grunted, cursed, and pulled harder, as though I might actually be able to move a few tons of steel by tapping the store of energy I'd laid up from a breakfast of crumb cake and hot chocolate.