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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crudity \Cru"di*ty\ (kr[udd]"d[i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. Crudities (-t[i^]z). [L. cruditas, fr. crudus: cf. F. crudit['e]. See Crude.]

  1. The condition of being crude; rawness.

  2. That which is in a crude or undigested state; hence, superficial, undigested views, not reduced to order or form. ``Crudities in the stomach.''


n. (plural of crudity English)

Usage examples of "crudities".

Yes, but the mistakes, disappointments, crudities, failures of youth--youth of strong passions and love of play but of a masterful will that a generous nature has so much encouraged and aided as to obscure its limitations.

If you asked your physician how many doses of physic you must take before all the crudities of your stomach can be carried off, and your appetite perfectly restored, he would probably answer you that this depends upon the nature of those crudities, the strength of the medicine, and the manner in which your constitution will allow it to operate, and that, in general, you must repeat the dose, as you can bear, till the remedy has fully answered the desired end I return a similar answer: If one powerful baptism of the Spirit ‘seals you unto the day of redemption,’ and ’cleanses you from all’ moral ‘filthiness,’ so much the better If two or more are necessary, the Lord can repeat them.

He felt a passing contemptuous pity for men whose business it was to track down such crudities as crime.

It is, after all, merely a bastard form of dog-Latin, and even you should be able to master its crudities with a little study.

Allen, a cut made from a photograph, and, allowing for the crudities of newspaper reproduction, it was a striking likeness of the Celebrity.

And in truth that human stream eddied about Cormac, split to pass him on either side as though he was a great stone in a springtime brook, and people muttered rude crudities or curses on the big youthful weapon-man who blocked them.