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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crudely \Crude"ly\, adv. In a crude, immature manner.


adv. In a crude manner.

  1. adv. in a crude or unrefined manner; "he was crudely bold"

  2. in a crude and unskilled manner; "an inexpertly constructed lean-to" [syn: artlessly, inexpertly]

Usage examples of "crudely".

A symbol of the Pioneer sect was crudely painted on the wall, in a circle: an ax-blade crossed with a blunderbuss above an hourglass shape.

Captain Harbin Fashnalgid had seen his own face crudely portrayed on a red poster as he stepped ashore with Besi, after they had sailed the twenty miles from the jetty in the marshlands.

There was a crude but huge wooden lean-to, with great straw mats and large, crudely woven wool blankets, and an outside barbecue pit of some sort, with hot coals and a rotisserie of smelted iron over it.

The fencing strip was plain unfaceted mechmetal but the pickets were fashioned crudely of wood and had to be humanmade.

Although the writing was crudely printed, with several words written out in individual, unjoined characters, the message was surprisingly coherentand disturbing.

Closing the door behind him, Krakhno flicked his intense gaze around the room in an unspoken valediction, from the second table laden with crudely published literature to the desk-sized copier that had printed it to the locked cupboard where their tiny arms cache was stacked.

It does not have a power cord, but there is a narrow translucent plastic tube emerging from a hatch on the rear, spiraling across the cargo pallet and the floor, and plugged into a crudely installed fiber-optics socket above the head of the sleeping Vitaly Chernobyl.

The Protestant scholars of the last sixty years have all, as far as they are worthy of serious notice, escaped from the crudely supernaturalistic point of view.

Under this same moon, lower in the sky thousands of miles to the west, the Japanese armada was even now plowing toward Midway, swells breaking and foaming on hundreds of iron bows-pagoda-masted battleships, crudely built carriers with flight decks propped by naked iron girders, tubby transports crowded with landing troops, and the vessels of the train swarming like waterbugs from horizon to horizon.

Like all Russian pistols, what the East Germans call the Pistole M is a crudely designed piece of machinery with a simple blowback system and a butt angle like a letter L, but its Soviet designers gave it a legendary reliability which in tight corners makes up for all other shortcomings.

The Sociopatrolmen may have thought themselves elite thugs, but, as they discovered, there was a monstrous difference between larruping unarmed workers or crudely armed resistance fighters and facing skilled, combat-experienced guardsmen.

He stood, and looked at the playscript, one-quarter of the pages turned where it rested on the edge of his writing table, the other three-fourths crumpled and crudely smoothed.

That place, with its two wings running parallel to each other, the one housing women, the other men, saw enacted on its deep sills the most lewd theatricals imaginable, with the men doing to the men what the women might wish to do to them, and vice versa, with the women putting to purpose upon one another props quite crudely fashioned.

From the beginning, there were two contrasting approaches, which we may characterize, crudely, as reductionist and holistic.

Fidelity took him to the study, showed him a crudely broken safe, bootprints on the cushions and the regulation paraphernalia of a cumbersome burglary.