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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cruciate \Cru"ci*ate\ (kr?"sh?-?t), v. t. To torture; to torment. [Obs.] See Excruciate.


Cruciate \Cru"ci*ate\ (kr?"sh?-?t or -sh?t; 106), a. [L. cruciatus, p. p. of cruciare to crucify, torture, fr. crux, crucis, a cross. See Cross.]

  1. Tormented. [Obs.]

  2. (Bot.) Having the leaves or petals arranged in the form of a cross; cruciform.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"cross-shaped," from Modern Latin cruciatus, from Latin crux (genitive crucis) "cross" (see cross (n.)). Obsolete meaning "tormented" is 1530s, from Latin cruciat-, past participle stem of cruciare "cause pain or anguish to," literally "crucify," from crux.

  1. 1 In the form of a cross; cruciform. 2 overlapping or crossing. v

  2. (context obsolete English) To torture; to torment.


adj. shaped like a cross [syn: cruciform]


Cruciate, and similar words, can mean:-

  • The cruciate ligaments in the knee.
  • For a magic spell in the Harry Potter scenario, see crucio.
  • Latin and early- English word for crusade.

Usage examples of "cruciate".

Felix massaged his disability, the torn cruciate ligaments in his right knee.

The article interested him more than most, being familiar himself with the geography of knees owing to his own torn cruciate ligaments, but he was soon lost in the technicalities of the protocols and thumbing listlessly through learned articles on hyperthyroidism, shingles, and sundry -ectomies and -omas.

Torn anterior cruciate ligament, right leg, at age fourteen point seven five years.

Olympic team back in 2000, but a torn anterior cruciate ligament in her knee had benched her career.

The X rays and MRI reveal seven broken ribs on my right side, five separate breaks to the left ankle, four breaks to the right shoulder, a torn right rotator cuff, a torn anterior cruciate ligament in the right knee, frostbite, malnutrition, and deep lacerations over my entire body.

And (not to enlarge upon the cruciated character of Trismegistus, or handed crosses, so often occurring in the Needles of Pharoah, and Obelisks of Antiquity) the StatuæIsiacæ, Teraphims, and little Idols, found about the Mummies, do make a decussation of Jacob's Crosse, with their armes, like that on the head of Ephraim and Manasses, and this decussis is also graphically described between them.

I was about to look for Danny when he limped around a corner, carrying a stack of towels, his right knee in a bright red sports brace from a soccer injury that had necessitated a reconstruction of his anterior cruciate ligament.