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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crotch \Crotch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Crotched (kr[o^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. Crotch"ing.]

  1. To provide with a crotch; to give the form of a crotch to; as, to crotch the ends of ropes in splicing or tying knots.

  2. (Logging) To notch (a log) on opposite sides to provide a grip for the dogs in hauling. [Western, U. S.]


Crotched \Crotched\ (kr[o^]cht), a.

  1. Having a crotch; forked.

  2. Cross; peevish. [Prov. Eng.]

  3. (Billiards) Lying within a crotch; -- said of the object balls in the three-ball carom game whenever the centers of both lie within a 41/2-inch square at a corner of the table, in which case but three counts are allowed unless one or both balls be forced out of the crotch.

  1. 1 Having a crotch or fork; forked. 2 (cx billiards English) Lying within one of the crotches on the table. 3 (context UK dialect English) cross; peevish v

  2. (en-past of: crotch)


Crotched may refer to:

  • Crotched Mountain, New Hampshire, United States
  • Crotched Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada

Usage examples of "crotched".

When they came ashore they found a network of creeks which were crossed by very shaky bridges, constructed of crotched sticks and poles, which had so much the appearance of traps that Smith would not cross them until many of the Indians had preceded him, while he kept others with him as hostages.

Midway between the center and the tusk wall supports were six wooden posts -- tapering trees, stripped of bark and crotched on top.

The man lay with his head crotched in a bunched, badly rumpled pillow.