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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crossly \Cross"ly\, adv. Athwart; adversely; unfortunately; peevishly; fretfully; with ill humor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"irritably," 1590s, from cross (adj.) + -ly (2).


adv. In a cross manner.


adv. in an ill-natured manner; "she looked at her husband crossly" [syn: grouchily, grumpily]

Usage examples of "crossly".

She shakes her head crossly, like a dog with a scrap, and the dress comes free, skims off her arms into his hands floppy and faintly warm.

He was glad to let the door swing closed between them, and hustle Tossa almost crossly away from that look.

She came up to me to verify the fact, and finding I had deceived her, she said half crossly, "You are a bad fellow.

She greeted Patrick with prim correctness and glanced crossly when Deuteronomy dropped a potato.

Marcia told him crossly, while the stove let the coffee boil over for the second time that week.

Ive broken my nail, said Shael crossly, Well, half ape, at least nothing else can be as cold or as miserable as this.

There were times, he thought crossly, when one of the King's ships seemed to carry more private mail than a Post Office packet ship.

The theory was interesting and there was no doubt - unless the world stood still - that it would occur in practice but Ramage thought crossly, for the moment it was damned dark and damned cold here, just north of the Dutch island, with a ten - knot breeze and all plain sail set and, from the sound of it, the drummer buckling on his instrument to beat to quarters.

Shelley hated the unexpected cold, and he secreted himself on the floor in front of the passenger seat, crossly letting the hot air from the heater ruffle up his fur.