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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crossgrained \Cross"grained\ (-gr?nd`), a.

  1. Having the grain or fibers run diagonally, or more or less transversely and irregularly, so as to interfere with splitting or planing.

    If the stuff proves crossgrained, . . . then you must turn your stuff to plane it the contrary way.

  2. Perverse; untractable; contrary; difficult to deal with.

    Syn: balky, contrarious.

    She was none of your crossgrained, termagant, scolding jades.


a. (alternative form of cross-grained English)

Usage examples of "crossgrained".

It was an oblong thing, very light, and comprising several layers of crossgrained wood.

I am certainly more fearful, jumpy and crossgrained, and these are the badges of civilization today.