Usage examples of "crossbearer".
He raged that any Warrior would hunt Cross land without leave from the Crossbearer house, would interfere with his hunt, and would drag a protected woman into battle.
She begged for her two years of freedom to be spent in Hunter and Crossbearer ranges, where she would face no pressure.
Lord Crossbearer whispered fiercely, his jaw tight as he worried for his wife.
Hunters and Crossbearers and a few older, printed Warriors and their wives.
Riding forth with his train of clergy, chaplains, almoners, lawyers, crossbearers, and choristers, besides his household of attendants, the bishop entered a village, where the bells were rung, priest, knight, franklins, and peasants came out with all their local display, often a guild, to receive him, and other clergy gathered in.
Your Excellency desires to learn what my people, this land, our lives were like in the years, in the sheaves of years before it pleased Your Excellency's king and his crossbearers and crossbowmen to deliver us from our bondage of barbarism.