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a. Of the form of a cross.

Usage examples of "cross-shaped".

Spaniards entered Mexico they found the Aztecs playing a game called patolli, identical with the Hindoo pachisi, on a similar cross-shaped board.

The strength of his thighs, the loose swelling of his groin, skin there slightly darker in color than the rest of him, the line of black hair that traced upward, around his belly button, to the smooth lines of his chest with the pale circles of his nipples, and the flat whiteness of the cross-shaped burn scar.

There was a cross-shaped burn mark, a little crooked now because of the ragged claw marks that a shapeshifted witch had given me.

It was a cross-shaped tool like a miniature tire tool with a different size socket on each end of the cross.

For this, too, was a vertiginous fortress rising out of a crag, making queer moans and whistles as the trans-isthmian gales blew across its narrow cross-shaped embrasures.